The Professional Fonts & Clip Art CD-ROM
The Professional Fonts & Clip Art CD-ROM v1.0.iso
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// -- BLITZFONTS -- //
\X/ ~~~~~~~~~~ \X/
by Hayes C. Haugen
BlitzFonts: makes text output up to 6 times faster. It will increase text
output speeds on 99% of your Amiga programs that use the Topaz 80 font. This
means faster screen updates in: AmigaBasic, Scribble!, OnLine!, Comm, LSE,
uEdit, Ed, Textcraft Plus, all Infocom Releases, V.I.P. Pro, MicroEmacs, and
many, many more! Intuition menus are also sped up. How do you get this
great speed-up? Just type in 'BlitzFonts' from your CLI, or double-click on
it's icon from the workbench. Smart users will immediately put BlitzFonts in
their startup-sequence so that it is there every time they boot. The
installed BlitzFonts takes a meager 3072 bytes and is written in 100% assembly
language for maximum speed.
Blitzfonts | System Text() | Percent increase
4000 x 80 chars 13.41 secs 78.65 secs 586%
This benchmark is a best-case scenario only; most text output is only
2-3 times as fast due to application (the program your running) overhead. Use
the 586% speed increase as a comparison, though I don't believe you can do
generalized text output any faster on the Amiga. BlitzFonts is completely
transparent to the user, the programmer and the program (even copy-protected
ones). BlitzFonts still allows the system text routines to work with custom
fonts. If for some reason, a program will not run with BlitzFonts (I have yet
to find one that won't) typing 'BlitzFonts -r' will remove the fast font
routines and restore your Amiga to its normal/slow state.
This program is being offered as ShareWare. Please give a copy of this
version of BlitzFonts to every Amiga owner you know, and feel free to post it
on any electronic bulletin boards or networks, or include it in any public
domain/ShareWare compilation that sells for $8 or less (so long as you keep
this notice and BlitzFonts together and unmodified.) When you use BlitzFonts
and realize how much better your life truly is, send a $10 or more contribution
to me, the author, at:
Hayes Haugen
11303 South Dogwood Lane
Edmonds, WA 98020-6168
In return, you will receive a disk with the latest version of BlitzFonts with
more features, and other shareware by me. Contributions of less than $10 are
greatly appreciated, and you will be added to my mailing list, but cost
prohibits me from sending you a disk. If you already own one of my other
ShareWare programs, let me know which one and I will also send you a free
update to that program.
Features that are in the upgraded version: allows you to use any font that
is 8 pixels wide as the BlitzFont (i.e. Topaz 11), and also speeds up boldface
and italics. Suggestions for more features or other programs are welcome.
======> PLEASE NOTE! <=======
This is my third ShareWare release, and I am sorry to say that there are
very few honest Amiga users who have chosen to support my efforts. BlitzFonts
cost you nothing to get, I only ask for a small contribution! If you'd rather
you can go buy MicroSmith's Fast Fonts, but that will cost you $34.95, and you
won't be able to legally give copies to your friends. I will continue to
support my current programs, but if BlitzFonts doesn't do well, this will be
my last ShareWare release.
Other ShareWare by me:
X-Spell.....a 30,000 word spelling checker that checks any document with text
in it (Textcraft, Scribble, any editor). Will also suggest
alternate spellings and allow you to replace the incorrect word
with any word of your choice ($15).
Blitz.......a text viewer with the FASTEST screen updates on the Amiga. Also
allows saving of selected portions of the document, and simple
modifications of the text ($10).
BlitzFonts is copyright 1987 by Hayes C. Haugen, all rights except for
limited non-commercial distribution are reserved. BlitzFonts may not be
given away or sold independently or with any other program, except as detailed
above. Companies and ShareWare authors may license BlitzFonts for inclusion
in their own programs, please contact the author at the above address for
details. All warranties whether expressed or implied are non-existent. The
user assumes all risk in using this program, and under no circumstances will
the author or anyone related to him (or his friends) be held liable for any
damages, however extreme or minor, caused directly or indirectly by BlitzFonts.